pregnancy and the skin


Looking for guidance to keep your glow during pregnancy and beyond?  Change becomes your constant companion during pregnancy and well into the first years of your child’s life.  What products are safe for you during this time?  What should be avoided? What can you do about unexpected breakouts and dark patches on your face?

Avoid all Retinoids. Expectant mothers need Vitamin A to stay healthy, but too much of this healthy skin vitamin is linked to birth defects. That’s why retinoids of all types are should be avoided during pregnancy. If you are working with a dermatologist, you won’t be  using topicals with retinoic acid (tretinoin, Retin-A®) or Accutane® (isotretinoin). We recommend that you avoid anything in the Vitamin A family. This includes the vitamin’s pure form, retinol, as well as retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate and retinylaldehyde. However, beta carotene, a plant-derived carotenoid that’s processed by cells into retinol when the body needs the vitamin, is safe for use.

 Melasma. Facial hyperpigmentation known as “the mask of pregnancy” is caused by elevated hormone levels during pregnancy that increase the activity of melanocytes, the skin’s pigment-producing cells. Melasma should be managed during pregnancy by avoiding sun exposure and with daily use of sunscreen. As frustrating as it may be, treating melasma during pregnancy is futile. But the good news is it’s one of the easier forms of hyperpigmentation to brighten.

A few weeks after you have given birth, we can start on a series of six to ten professional facials featuring Microdermabrasion,  followed by Dual Enzyme Exfoliating Powder and Pumpkin & White Tea Activator and finishing with Intensive Vitamin C Serum Concentrate, Rapid Repair and Cell Youth Actif.  These post-pregnancy melasma facials will also include LED Light Therapy for rapid dispersal of the overexpressed melanin. Schedule appointments every two weeks if possible. For faster results, your at-home care should keep doing the work between appointment. We have many products for lightening, brightening and rapid repair including AntiOxidant Defense Complex, Triple C & E Complex, B3 Exfoliator, and our amazing TRC line of products.

 What about Salicylic Acid? Salicylic acid, used in acne products and peels, is often an ingredient of concern with pregnant women because the use of high doses of oral salicylic acid (aspirin) has been found to increase bleeding in the third trimester. It is unlikely that topical absorption would match taking aspirin internally, but to be on the cautious side, we do not recommend products containing this ingredient during pregnancy.

Botox, and Wrinkle Fillers – No Studies.  It should be noted that there are no specific studies on pregnant women to confirm safety when using these products during pregnancy.  Clients should consult their OB-GYN before using injectables. 

Acne Elevated hormone levels are also responsible for acne flares during pregnancy. While retinoids are usually a dermatologist’s “go to” for acne, as we’ve already discussed, they’re not pregnancy-safe. We have several calming, soothingand therapeutic anti-acne products that are safe for use during pregnancy and beyond including Pore-ClearingCleanser, Pore-Purifying Astringent, BHA/EnzymeSurface Peel, AntiOxidant Defence Complex, Triple C&E Complex,  and Purifying Comfort Masque.

Stretch Marks As baby grows, so does Mama’s belly. Stretch marks (known as striae gravidarum if they occur during pregnancy) often appear in the third trimester, when the skin stretches to accommodate the little tyke. Accompanying stretch marks is one of the biggest complaints during this period: itchiness. Soothe your skin with a simple day and night massage of Pomegranate& White Tea Body Crème. Oils from pomegranate, Hawaiian kukui, rose hips and sunflower are blended with rich shea butter to keep itching under check, while antioxidant white tea soothes and calms stretching skin.  

You can give yourself a boost by having an excellent home skin care routine in place before the little one arrives. The first few months after giving birth can be quite challenging!  But we are always here to help you with any skin care concerns that crop up.